06 January 2009


My mom doesn't think that I can handle being in
a school show, AND do my homework.

She thinks that it will ruin me when it comes to sending in college applications
because I won't have time to study or do homework when I'm doing drama...

This was her same excuse last year, and it makes me feel unsatisfied with my life.
If I can't do the things I like, what is the point of living?

No, I'm not gonna off myself, but to live is a big thing,
and you have to take risks and live life to the fullest.

Being in a school show is something I haven't done yet (in high school),
and this year I want to do things that I had never done...
I want to test the waters everywhere,

and I'm just dissappointed and borderline upset that I am being restricted.
It's my life isn't it?
I'm already kept from some joys of teenagehood:
-hanging out with friends
-leaving my house to go do something
-sports that require money to be paid

I think that it is reasonable for me to request to my mother that I would like to do a friggin school show. I do not expect a high role... I just want to tryout.

Maybe I'll forge the parent signature.


  1. Without sounding *old* have you sat your mum down and explained to her just how important this is to you? I don't know what she's like - however if someone took the time to sit me down and explain to me just how important something was to them and how they wanted to at least 'try out' for a part. I'd allow you to do it a) Because you've taken an adult stance by communicating to me how you feel on the matter which would show the maturity required to be able to manage your time effectively to a) get your homework etc completed and b) participate in a *free* extra curricular activity. If that failed forge the signature and tell her you've been put in detention a lot!

  2. hey lyss! i'm so sorry about your drama situation. i wish you could participate, you're an amazing actress and an amazing singer, and you deserve to be involved in this one high school experience.

    but hopefully to lift your spirits- i'm going to go shower and then when i get back, i'm going to write a blog entry that pertains solely to YOU.

    yes, that's right. don't book saturday because 1) it's my birthday and 2) i want to spend it with you. :)

  3. Hey guys, thanks for the feedback :) I really appreciate it.
