14 January 2009

The world

Is looking a little meh...

I'm having some irresponsible troubles with scheduling life right now.
I'm booked to go to a confirmation 'retreat' thing, but also have a solo ensemble performance the same weekend..

and the confirmation thing is mandatory- and so now I have to drop the solo ensemble...
that makes me feel really bad, because the competition is next week- and there's two sopranos, two altos and two second sopranos, and I'm one of the two sopranos....

so now if they choose to keep competing, there will be yet only one soprano.
Sooo that sucks... still haven't told my instructor...


It was my fault actually, I should have checked my calendar before I made another 'commitment' (which is no longer)...

Hey, it's life.
And the choir club is not a class for me, so it's not like I'm going to get an F for not attending or anything.

Although I am pretty beat up about this, I choose to look at it in a different way that makes me feel better.

I like the Catholic religion although I may not agree completely with everything....
I do not want to have to do confirmation class AGAIN next year just because I didn't show up to a mandatory thing... because then I'd have to pay another 100 bucks for admission to the confirmation class again, and my friends are with me right now... next year I won't have friends in the class. I also sacrificed some extracurricular things to be confirmed. Two shows... a school production and a main stage production. That really sucks, but God and Jesus are the way to go right?

Anyways that is what I'll end with.

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